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Stand Invest Qatar - MIPIM Cannes 2024

Launched in 2019, the Investment Promotion Agency (IPA Qatar) ,under the brand of Invest Qatar showcases Qatar as an exceptional investment destination, connecting international investors to lucrative business opportunities in one of the worlds most prosperous economies.

Design details

Having worked with Invest Qatar in 2023 it was a great pleasure to be asked to work with them again in 2024.

The exhibit space in 2024 was half the size of the previous event and needed to accommodate a similar number of partners and services. Keeping an open plan layout we created a central welcome area around a circular reception desk. Individual partner areas were located to either side of this central hub with a spacious conference room and hospitality/storage areas located to the rear of the space. Clean lines with organic curves and warm tones for open shelving gave the installation a chic and sophisticated feel with an Arabian motif subtly providing a backdrop to the striking branding and strong visual images.

